2016年12月3日,澳大利亚健康与老年护理(Health and Aged Care)部宣布向健康和医学领域研究项目投资超过4.83亿澳元,其中包含临床试验方向迄今为止最大的单笔资助。
4.83亿澳元将通过澳大利亚国立健康与医学研究理事会(National Health and Medical Research Council,NHMRC)对601个项目、超过1900位研究人员进行支持,项目覆盖领域广泛,主要包括:
1. 研究大脑可塑性
2. 评估格雷夫氏症(Graves’‘ disease,也称巴塞多化甲状腺肿)的发生是否与应激性生活事件有关
3. 探索慢性痛(Chronic Pain)的创新治疗方法
4. 从炎症预防的角度,发展并确认胃癌防治的新方法
5. 优化器官移植接受者感染病毒后的治疗方案
NHMRC主席Anne Kelso教授表示,此番资助主要面向3类研究或群体,即60个有望在未来成为学术带头人的团体、关于疾病起源的实验室研究,以及关于新型治疗方案的临床试验,澳大利亚将在前所未有的广度上展开健康研究。
1. 探索创伤性脑损伤与阿尔茨海默症之间的关联
2. 探究运动神经元病(Motor Neurone Disease)的早期病理机制
研究领域 | 资助题目 | 管理机构 | 起始年 | 终止年 | 资助金额 |
神经科学 | How to diagnose ataxia | Bionic Ear Institute | 2017 | 2020 | $227,261 |
Dissecting the role of cortico-striatal circuitry on habit formation | University of Sydney | 2017 | 2020 | $408,768 | |
New approaches for the discovery of obesity causing genes | Garvan Institute of Medical Research | 2017 | 2021 | $863,910 | |
"The Aftershock" – Understanding the impact of traumatic brain injury on depression and emotional regulation. | University of Sydney | 2017 | 2020 | $678,771 | |
The effect of anti-fibrinolytic drugs on blood-brain barrier integrity and the immune response in traumatic brain injury | Monash University | 2017 | 2020 | $870,476 | |
Neuronal integration of taste and energy | Garvan Institute of Medical Research | 2017 | 2021 | $1,214,852 | |
NPY coordination of energy balance and physical activity | Garvan Institute of Medical Research | 2017 | 2020 | $844,596 | |
Investigation of the function of the scaffolding protein LIN-2/CASK in cholinergic synapses | University of Queensland | 2017 | 2020 | $911,656 | |
APLP2: a neuroprotective receptor for acute brain injury | University of Melbourne | 2017 | 2019 | $648,739 | |
Improving Human fMRI through Modeling and Imaging Microvascular Dynamics | University of Queensland | 2017 | 2021 | $486,144 | |
Towards better detection and management of sports concussion in Australia | Monash University | 2016 | 2017 | $200,027 | |
Biomarkers to aid clinical trials for neurodegenerative disease | Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health | 2018 | 2022 | $13,179,875 | |
感觉系统 | Neural computations for predictive coding in visual cortex | Monash University | 2017 | 2019 | $479,832 |
The use of microRNA as novel therapeutic targets for reducing retinal inflammation and degeneration | Australian National University | 2017 | 2019 | $349,076 | |
A novel technique for prolonged silencing of visceral pain without opiates | Flinders University | 2017 | 2020 | $637,383 | |
Ictal Characteristics of Common Vestibular Diseases | University of Sydney | 2017 | 2019 | $281,573 | |
Mapping the human retina: a foundation study | University of Sydney | 2017 | 2019 | $411,555 | |
Rapid plasticity in sensory systems - linking neuronal adaptation and perception | Monash University | 2017 | 2020 | $650,810 | |
视觉科学 | Harnessing anticalin technology as a multi-targeted treament approach for vision loss | Monash University | 2017 | 2019 | $627,273 |
Young adult myopia: genetic and environmental associations | University of Western Australia | 2017 | 2020 | $809,271 | |
Targeting at risk relatives of glaucoma patients for early diagnosis and treatment (TARRGET) | University of Western Australia | 2016 | 2018 | $595,375 |
原文标题:$483 million in grants to support innovative Australian health and medical research projects